Here are 25 reasons why we Hispanics should vote #Trump2020

Just for those Hispanics in America who still think they should vote Democrat, and say “Trump hasn’t done anything for us.” Here are 25 reasons off the top of my head...why we Hispanics should vote #Trump2020.

1. Trump is Pro-Life.
2. Trump built the best economy in history.
3. Under Trump Hispanic Unemployment lowest ever.
4. Trump believes in God and only kneels before God.
5. Trump Loves America and wants to improve it.
6. Trump loves our military and what they stand for.
7. Trump supports our Police forces.
8. Trump wants to drain the swamp and end corruption.
9. Trump wants to secure our nation and build a wall.
10. Trump isn’t afraid to take on Global leaders and defend America’s interests.
11. Trump calls it like he sees it.
12. Trump is not a racist.
13. Trump wants Small Business to grow.
14. Trump believes in the American Dream for all.
15. Trump believes in law and order, not chaos and destruction.
16. Trump ended the ridiculous Iranian trade deal.
17. Trump initiated justice system reforms which helped minorities.
18. Trump knows how to take on the Media and doesn’t back down from a fight when he’s right.
19. Trump saved countless American lives during COVID 19 by shutting down travel from China and Europe, even as Democrats tried to shame him for his decision.
20. Trump was vindicated from Deep State attacks and accusations. He never colluded with the Russians.
22. Trump has a pastor network and millions of Americans who pray for him.  He is led by God and protected by God.
22. Trump ended the war in Afghanistan and brought our troops home.
23. Trump plays hardball with Islamic terrorists and does not pander to them.
24. Trump stands with Israel
25. Trump is not afraid of the United Nations and in fact, called them out for not paying their fair share.
Feel free to add your reasons to Vote #Trump2020 #Lexit


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