Many Hispanics have forgotten who they are and why they’re here

Anti-Trump Hispanics protest in California 2016
My fellow Hispanic Republicans, this is an excerpt from a blog I wrote 7 years ago (Nov. 5th 2010) 

 Let me know what you think..

We  have our work cut out for us, but to those of you who are the many patriotic Hispanics I am beginning to know,  it’s just beginning.   
We  must be willing to take the punishment. Our own people will call us traitors. They will paint us as sell-outs and dis-loyal Hispanics.
But  we know the truth...and as they say...the truth shall set us free.  Knowledge is power as Dr. Martin Luther King proclaimed.  Democrats are  fearful we will educate the Hispanic community and diminish their  grip...and they should be.
The  Republican Party freed the Slaves. The Republican Party believes in  family values like Life, God and prayer. The Republican Party believes  marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. The Republican Party  wants to keep your taxes low, leaving more money in your pocket.
We  have God on our side, His wisdom and guidance will pierce the hearts of  the people...they will see the light at the end of the tunnel.  It is up  to us to restore hope and instill pride in America.   
We conservative  Hispanics must remind everyone that America is the land of the FREE and  the home of the BRAVE.
Our  ancestors came to America to build a future for their family. They fled  oppressive governments and unrestricted, corrupt police.
Now, after  50-60 years, many Hispanics have forgotten who they are and why they’re  here. It was FREEDOM that led them here. The ability to build a business  without limits. To succeed in life and our  great-grandparents dreamed for us.  
It’s  our duty to reach into the Hispanic community and share our knowledge,  advance our children and build a brighter future. 
That’s the way I see about you?
