a general pardon for offenses, especially political offenses, against a government, often granted before any trial or conviction.
Law. an act of forgiveness for past offenses, especially to a class of persons as a whole.
a forgetting or overlooking of any past offense.
to grant amnesty to; pardon.
There are individuals in the ranks of the Republican Party, who for the past several years, have tried to re-define the meaning of the word "Amnesty."
Texas, a proud Republican state, with Statewide elected leadership is home to millions of illegal immigrants. We don't know who or where they are, but we know they're here.
Some Republican lawmakers recognize this problem and have risked their careers on attempting to solve the illegal immigration puzzle.
Yet others, in the Republican Party, would rather shut down any effort to fix the problem. They have no alternative plan to deal with this. It's either mass deportation or nothing.
These hard-line Republicans immediately begin to attach tags to their Republican opponents, like "He's for Amnesty" or "He wants Open Borders."
Let's talk about real Amnesty rather than the new interpretation of the word.
Amnesty, according to the dictionary, is a PARDON of offenses, a FORGIVENESS of offenses or a FORGETTING or OVERLOOKING of any past offense.
In truth, by doing nothing to solve the problem, we're actually already providing Amnesty. Across the country, we catch and release illegals, don't ask for documentation, and overlook the entire population.
Don't be fooled by the rhetoric.
Republicans who favor solutions are actually interested in filtering the good from the bad. We are more interested in finding criminal minded illegal immigrants. We want safe neighborhoods.
That said, we are realists and compassionate. We realize Ronald Reagan understood the importance of dealing with the issue then, and we understand it is even more important today, with Islamic Terrorism.
To be very clear, no one is advocating for the Forgiveness of illegal status. There must be fines, penalties. No one will be given a Pardon. No one will be overlooked. No one goes to the front of the line.
Everyone must be documented and accounted for. This is not Un-American. You are not unpatriotic because you want to determine who's here.
So, the next time you see "He's for Amnesty" attached to a Republican, consider the source and see if they're trying to mislead you. What these hard-liners are doing is essentially character assassination before your very eyes.
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