All the protests in the world aren't going to make Hillary President or Bernie for that matter.
From fearful mothers, afraid of their children being profiled, to Anti-Fa spoiled brats causing chaos, the socialists aka the Democrat Party are on the offensive. They're writing articles, rioting at college campuses, protesting conservative speakers, and agitating on command.
They hate Donald Trump for reasons many can't explain. Without merit, without evidence, they lambast Trump, some screaming in hysteria, fearful of what?
Is the Boogieman coming? Now, they're talking about Impeachment.
So here we are, rational Americans, patriots, wondering where it all ends. I think people like me are getting tired of the agitators. We've been on defense at best...maybe even asleep at the wheel, but this irritation is starting to bother us.
What will we do about the lies, the manipulation, the false news, the fake protestors, the punks, the agitators?
Democrats want socialism. Free college, free healthcare, access to everything for free. They fight to enslave the people with welfare and government incentives and do their best to diminish the role of the man in the household.
They have aligned with like-minded news agencies to advance their propaganda. In much of today's news, it can be difficult to decipher fact from fiction. Heavy slants are placed on news, even to the point of fabricating stories, as we learned recently regarding FBI Director James Comey's supposed "memo."
For years, we've withstood the Democrats' assault on our freedom. We couldn't stop the chains of Obamacare from shackling us down. Democrats forced it on us, lying to the American people all the way to the voting booth.
They ought to be ashamed, yet they relish their failing healthcare bill as a glorious achievement. I will always remember those who had no problem placing that burden around our necks, and I'll always remember Obama's smiling face as he lied to me.
We'll never forget Benghazi, and the lies Hillary Clinton told the parents of those killed in the attack. She is shameless, disrespectful and unapologetic. Yet, Democrats would do anything for a glimpse of her in public, or heaven forbid, a touch on the hand.
Have we forgotten about her flagrant violations of National Security? Private Server? All pushed under the rug.
I thank God she didn't win.
So Democrats, stop the whining, you've lost all credibility and have no ground to stand on. Plus, no one believes you anymore.
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