Hispanic Persuasion

President Trump speaking to Hispanic Leaders, Hispanic Heritage Month
The polls don't show it yet, but you can believe Hispanic support for President Trump is on the rise, and come Election Day, you will see it.

As the National Social Media Director for the Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA), tracking trends is what we do.  

We know many Hispanics absorb media and react to issues based on rhetoric from the Democrat Party and from Spanish media outlets like Telemundo and Univision.   As we have come to know in recent years, these major media outlets in America, and the Democrat Party, collude to push the Democrat agenda.

Together, they create and distribute the message they want you to read, hear and see.  With a finely tuned media distribution system, the entire nation can receive one singular message, repeatedly, in order to achieve the outcomes required to keep Democrats in power.  

One example, Democrats have been promising Hispanics to fix the broken Immigration system, giving citizenship to those living here illegally.  

But history has shown us, when the Democrats had control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House, they did nothing to solve this issue.  Instead, they swept it under the rug and disrespected millions of Hispanics who put their faith in the Democrat Party. 

It is worth repeating, the Democrats could have solved this crisis without a single Republican vote, but they chose not to.

The Gun debate - Democrats say the guns are the problem, that the existence of the gun itself, is causing the homicides in America.  

Republicans say it is not the gun, but the person, who is responsible for the misuse and deadly outcomes.

Obviously, guns do not lift themselves up, aim and pull the trigger.  All of these processes are caused by a human being with intention to kill.  

This debate shouldn't even exist, yet because of the powerful messaging of the media, manipulating the public into thinking the weapons are the problem, people are misled.  They glaze over the real cause of the problem, the individual, and instead, lean on the side that tries to strip us of our 2nd Amendment rights.

Another example of the media collaborating with Democrats to advance their agenda, is the constant bombardment and attacks on President Trump.  

Here we have a President, who is accomplishing great things in our time, some historic.  Yet, the media is silent.  Not a peep from them about the success of the Trump Administration on all-time low Hispanic unemployment, tax reductions, foreign policy, border security, prison reform, ending the Obamacare mandate, and bringing American factories back to the US.

Not a peep.

But you will find every negative accusation, hearsay, unverified, 3rd party, impeachment charge in the book.  The media was even caught red-handed, manipulating video footage to undermine and create the appearance of violence due to President Trump's decision to bring our troops home.

Another example of this is the recent news of the killing of ISIS Leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  On one hand, President Trump's administration and other allied nations took part in a raid that killed the Most Wanted man in the world.  The man responsible for beheading countless people, and plotting to kill Americans, is dead now, and died "like a coward."  

The world is much better with him gone.  

But Democrats, aligned with the media, try to discredit the amazing accomplishment, casting blame for not revealing the plan to them first.  Yet why would he?  Knowing their intentions to destroy him.      

Hispanics can see through the charade, and we can rely on the Democrats to drive conservative Hispanics to the Republican Party with their horrid policies.

With the Democrat positions of today, including their non-wavering stance on 3rd trimester abortions, and even infanticide, Christian Hispanics find it harder to stand with them.  On the other hand, President Trump allows prayer in the White House, and seeks guidance and prayer from Hispanic Pastors and Evangelicals.  

The media does not show the growing support for President Trump among the American, voting Hispanics, but we know it is increasing.  You see more Hispanics wearing MAGA caps, and Latinos for Trump shirts.  You see Hispanics making videos and posting them on social media, explaining why they left the Democrat Party.

But in my many years in business, one thing I know is required to win anyone's vote.  We must humbly ask for it. Trust me when I say, Trump wants the Hispanic vote!

RNHA Leaders with Joy Villa
Recently, president Trump invited several Hispanic Republican leaders to the White House, to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month.  The video and images of the event were amazing, as President Trump addressed the crowd of loyal Hispanic Trump supporters.  The Energy was high, and Hispanics felt welcomed and wanted.  

The Latinos for Trump Coalition, started by president Trump, is in full stride.  The coalition is hosting events across the nation, unifying Hispanics via social media, and growing the database of Hispanic supporters.

These Hispanic supporters are fired up and will do anything to ensure America does not turn into a Democrat Socialist nation.  You can count on patriotic Hispanics to step up and Keep America Great!
