Actor Tom Arnold Ridicules Disabled Latino Conservative

LEXIT Founder, Jesse Holguin, who recently attended a Press Conference at the White House, with fellow Activists Diamond and Silk and Joy Villa, was insulted today by Actor, Tom Arnold.

In a tweet posted by Joy Villa, she states " We are NOT going to be bullied by leftists.  We love our country, our flag and our constitution and we stand firm with @RealDonaldTrump! @DiamondandSilk    #StandWithPresTrump keep it trending!"

Included in the tweet, is a photo of Diamond and Silk, Joy Villa and Jesse Holguin, who uses a wheel chair due to being shot in the spine during his previous gang days.

Tom Arnold seized upon the moment to inject what he thought might be perceived as funny.  Replying to Joy Villa and Diamond and Silk, Arnold wrote "OMG @Joy_Villa making fun of the crippled white guy"

Because Joy Villa mentioned that she "stands" with President Trump, Arnold couldn't resist the play on words, since obviously Jesse can't "stand" for the President.

In response to the insulting remark by Arnold, Co-Founder of Lexit, David Basulto, The Hispanic Conservative, let Arnold know just how disrespectful he was to Jessie.

In a short interview with Basulto, I asked him how Arnold's tweet might affect the handicapped community.  "Well, calling him (Jesse) "crippled" is disgusting.  He's disabled."

Several months ago, Lexit joined forces with the Republican National Hispanic Assembly, the most organized Hispanic Political organization in the nation.

RNHA Chief Administrative Director Rey Torres Burgos, mentioned his disdain for the Arnold comment by saying, "He is disgusting...I am livid." 

Another RNHA Leader, National Committeeman / Chairman of the Seminole County RNHA Chapter, Abraham Lopez said of Arnold's tweet, " This is a good time to remind him that Hispanics come in all shades, were he not a limousine liberal, he'd actually know that." Lopez is referring to Arnold's assessment that the person in the wheelchair is a "white guy," when in fact, he is Latino.

As the Hispanic Conservative movement continues to grow, people like Tom Arnold will escalate their vitriol and attack at will.  From the Black community to Hispanic community, and everywhere in between, minorities are leaving the Democrat Party and saying goodbye to Socialist policies.

At the RNHA and LEXIT organizations, we will not sit back and let the Democrats have their way with us.  We are uniting and strengthening as each day passes...growing our support for President Trump.

Try as they may, this Tom Arnold incident only proves the spite and hatred that exists within the Liberals, Progressives, Socialists and Communists working with the Democrat Party.

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